Branded - Born Criminal Film Tour 2024

BRANDED is the story of an artist called ‘She’ and her defiance, in the face of atrocity, to uphold Art and Freedom.
Set at some time, in the past, present or the future, in an unspecified country, ‘She’ is anonymous, without a presence in the world, the none-existence of a political prisoner. She dreams of her life as it used to be, laughing with her friends and painting in her studio. The sounds of conflict increase as the war comes closer. Knowing She will die, her concern is not for herself as She asks, is this the end of Art?
Horrifying in its depiction of the persecution of artists in repressive regimes, the struggle of being confined as a prisoner of war is contrasted with the beauty of Art, with a joyousness at its heart.
‘Pity The Meat’ at Stolen Space Gallery London
15 – 24 August 2017
– Stolen Space Gallery London premieres a ‘live’ art performance with music by Pauline Amos as part of a new exhibition of her work –
In a unique work created for Stolen Space gallery London, the internationally acclaimed artist Pauline Amos will perform ‘live’ in the gallery over 5 days, and work on a new painting, 40 feet by 12 feet, as part of her new exhibition ‘Pity The Meat’ 15 – 24 August 2017.